Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sacrament Meeting ~ Christmas Special

I have a really hilarious roommate named Greg. I think I find about 95% of the things he does either quote-worthy or awesome enough to stop what I'm doing and just watch. Sometimes when he and I are in a boring meeting or having a hard time focusing, I'll look over to see him feverishly writing in a big, black notebook he carries around. So often I find myself wishing I could just get a glimpse at what he's doing. I've been trying to sit next to him, and when I do, I find that he creates the most amazing notes, plans, and lists. He makes business plans and agendas, builds school schedules, budgets his money and time--anything he thinks of or realizes needs doing. Sometimes these will even be coded so nobody is able to understand them except him! One of the best things I ever saw was him listing off all the types of weapons he could think of. It was then that I realized the meeting we were at was, yes, that boring. Greg's list of weapons had a few sub-lists too, like "Names of Actual Swords", like Excalibur, and "Names of Actual Guns." I tried to throw in a couple suggestions, and I found him more than willing to jot them down!

Today was our ward's Christmas musical. The choir was going through a set of hymns and a narrator was reading from the scriptures, and through it all I found myself having a bit of trouble focusing. I grabbed meeting's program and wrote on the back, at the top of a big open space, "Please list the names (by species) of as many water-dwelling mammals as possible!" Greg immediately took the challenge, and soon Sara and a few others were throwing in suggestions. I'm including this list on here because, frankly, I was amazed at how many items they came up with! Sara was jotting down things I had never heard of!

  1. Whales: Blue, Killer, Sperm, White, Beluga, Pilot, Right, Hump-back, Spinner, Beak-nosed, Moby Dick
  2. Dolphins: Bottle-nosed, Spotted, False, Yangtze, Indian River
  3. Seals: Leopard, Fur, Elephant
  4. Otters: Sea, River, Giant
  5. Muskrat
  6. Beaver
  7. Platypus
  8. Fishing Rat
  9. Manatee
  10. Hippopotamus

Bear in mind that this is by no means the complete list. It went on and on and on! But after a while, things started degrading. After some of the following, I got into one of those moods where I couldn't stop laughing, and I ended up butchering "I Stand All Amazed" for everybody around me.

  1. Frog Mario
  2. Davey Jones and his motley crew
  3. Jonah
  4. Navy Seal
  5. Aqua Man
  6. Mermaids/Mermen
  7. Waterworld's Domestic Population

It's reasons like these that I can confidently proclaim: I have the coolest and funniest friends in the world.

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